Monday, August 30, 2010

Life Isn't Fair!

“I don't think it's fair!” he complained to me, “I shouldn't lose three things for that. My hunting license...”

“Life isn't fair!” I quickly interrupted, “I don't care what you think, when it comes to firearm safety, there are no second chances.”

My father was a public safety officer. Growing up, we went to the police firing range almost every month. Frequently two or three times a month. Firearm safety was not an option. It was grilled into us from the time we could walk and talk. If you were big enough to hold a gun, you were big enough to be taught how to use a gun. And no gun is a toy. That bears repeating; no gun, not even a cap gun, no gun is a toy. Every single one of them has the potential to do harm if not treated with respect and handled carefully.

Seven kids in the house, and always there were loaded guns. Whether or not Dad was home, there was always a loaded gun for Mom's protection. But because of Dad's continual training on the subject, and heavy use of a belt if we didn't obey, there was never a single incident of a firearm accident. It just wasn't allowed.

Today, we live in a different era. Today's media encourages kids to be disrespectful, to not obey, that parents don't know anything. How wrong they are...

Someone close to me once complained that “Society had abandoned them.” My response was quite simple; “Society hasn't abandoned you. You have abandoned society.” It is time for us to regain the mores, the customs, the respect, of prior generations.

You see, life really isn't fair. You either learn and grow, or you get hurt and possibly even die. When it comes to things like guns and lawn mowers and chainsaws and cars you either treat them properly or else you or someone else gets hurt. Sometimes fatally. There are no second chances.

Gravity doesn't care whether or not you believe in it. It just is. You use it or you find out the hard way. The same thing with electricity. Treat it properly, and it is a great tool. Treat it wrong, treat it with disrespect, and you had better be awful lucky.

We aren't here to have an easy ride. We are here to learn and to grow. We aren't here by accident. We are here by choice. And we need to do all we can to take advantage of our choices, to figure out what works and what doesn't. And to treat certain things with care and respect. Because, if we don't, someone could get hurt. Someone could die.

And that someone could be us.

Monday, August 23, 2010

The Secret to a Longer, Healthier, Happier Life!

How would you like to know the secret to a longer, healthier, happier life? A secret that would enable you to live years longer than other people? A secret that could substantially reduce the amount you would pay on medical care? How much would such a secret be worth to you?

Would you be willing to pay tens of thousands of dollars for such a secret? Or travel to a far-off land? Would you be willing to do literally anything, to be able to have such a secret?

What if I told you, that it was free? That you could have a longer, healthier, happier life? That you didn't need to pay tens of thousands of dollars? That you didn't need to travel all over the world searching for the answer? That you didn't have to do anything extraordinary, or incredibly difficult? That you could have a more fulfilling life, live years longer, pay substantially less, and have more fulfilling personal relationships?

What would that be worth to you?

You see the secret to health and happiness, to a longer and richer, more fulfilling life is simply to learn to practice forgiveness. To learn how to truly forgive and forget. That's right. Nothing difficult. Nothing extreme. Nothing expensive. But simply to change how you think, to change how you react. Unfortunately, for many people, that is the most difficult thing of all. But if you're willing to try, if you are willing to do whatever you can to to learn how to forgive, to change how you think, to change how you react, then you can live longer, pay less money, and be happier.

About 10 years ago, I took a seminar from a professor from Stanford University (Dr. Frederic Luskin). In it he explained that as a graduate student he had developed a study that "demonstrated that normal college students could become significantly less angry and hurt, feel more hopeful, spiritually content and self-efficacious about managing their emotions and also become more forgiving after a six-hour training session. Moreover, the psychosocial gains were stable over a 10-week follow-up period."

Subsequently, other studies had been developed that showed the relationship between forgiveness and health. He and others have studied the medical records of thousands of patients from various university hospitals throughout the world. And that in doing so, they have discovered a direct link between people's attitudes and their life. That's right. A direct link between how they think and react and how long they live and how happy they are. They discovered that those people who have a positive mental outlook, who practice a lifestyle of forgiveness, lived longer. And they spend less money on medical care during the last several years of their lives. On the other hand, those who hold grudges, who are angry and bitter towards others, live shorter lives and spend substantially more on healthcare.

Today Stanford University teaches people foregiveness. In just the last dozen years, the study of forgiveness has resulted in incredible increases in knowledge and understanding about the importance of practicing forgiveness in our lives. Not for the person who hurt us, but for ourselves. For both our health and our happieness.

So, here it is. The secret to a longer, healthier, and happier life. Simply learn to practice forgiveness in your life. Use it to increase your happiness. To live years longer. And to spend thousands less on medical care in the last years of your life.

"If you feel good but want to feel even better, try forgiving someone." Frederic Luskin PhD Stanford University

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

The Power of Focus and Persistence

It has often been said that you should focus on what you do right and not on what you have done wrong. Like most of us, I have a tendency to focus on the things that I've done wrong, rather than on what I have done right. I have often lacked the persistence that one needs to be truly successful. It is a struggle that we all face, to be focused and to be persistent.

Persistence is a unique quality. We all need it and yet as a rule very few have it. Many who are truly successful have it. And yet so many of us don't. Abraham Lincoln had it. He literally failed his way to the White House. Failure followed failure, until he became one of the most successful and renowned Presidents this nation has ever known. He did it through focus, determination, single-mindedness, and persistence. Walt Disney had it. He went bankrupt several times before he opened the Magic Kingdom. Col. Sanders had it. He tried over 1000 times to find someone who would finance his new restaurant idea prior to finally finding the funding that allowed him to open Kentucky Fried Chicken.

The history of the world is replete with similar examples. People who have overcome great obstacles to accomplish great things. But more importantly, just regular people like you and I who are able to live a better life, as a result of learning how to utilize these talents. A world where we are better able to accomplish what we want and feel better about ourselves.

Focus is the ability to set everything else aside, while concentrating on one thing that needs to be accomplished. Persistence is the ability to continue doing what you need to do, in spite of obstacles in the way. By being focused and persistent, we can accomplish much that we would otherwise be unable to accomplish. We could write a book or start a new business or help other people. We could get a better job. We could attend our children's sporting events. We could take our family on vacation. We could pay off all of our debts and obligations. In short, we could have a better life.

In order to be focused, we should practice concentrating on just one thing at a time. Forget multitasking and concentrate. Concentrate on that one thing, that one task. Work on it. Think about it. Study it. Accomplish it. This requires that we schedule a time where we can be uninterrupted with other tasks. Pick a task that you would truly like to see accomplished, something meaningful, something important. Then focus on working on that task until it is completed.

In order to be persistent, simply continue coming back to that task no matter what interruptions you have. Until the task is completed to your satisfaction. Don't give up. Just continue coming back until you have finished it.

Like a bloodhound, following a scent. Like a weed growing through a crack in the sidewalk. Like a toddler learning to walk or talk. Focus, determination, persistence.

By combining these skills, you open up a whole new world. A world where goals are no longer dreams but actual accomplishments. A world where your goals and aspirations are now reality. A world of your choosing.

Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Overcoming Depression and Going From Dead Broke to Paying Off ALL Your Bills in Two Years or Less!

Overcoming Depression and Going From Dead Broke to Paying Off ALL Your Bills in Two Years or Less!

Join me on my personal journey to take back my life.

From Cleve Horrocks – Former Real Estate Sales Agent and Broker/Attraction Marketing Mentor

One year ago I started a unique journey as I made the decision to change my life. I wrote the following as an introduction to a book that I planned on writing to re-focus my thoughts away from the depression that had engulfed me. For the prior 8 months following the collapse of the real estate market I had been caught up in thoughts of failure and despair. Here goes;

As I write this I have less than $200 to my name and owe more than $330,000. I’m making less than $250 per week (half of which goes to my ex-wife), separated from my wife, and living in an apartment over the garage of a friend’s home. In short, I am broke. Dead Broke. Destitute even. I haven’t had a decent paycheck since October of 2008 (more than 8 months now). My business activities have crumbled. I am severely depressed (and have been for quite a while now) with thoughts of suicide. I’ve got a broken rib and some pulled muscles. I haven’t had any health insurance since 1997, about 12 years now, and I seriously need money to pay my bills, new tires on my car, several thousand dollars worth of dental work, and new eyeglasses to see with. Most of all, I need to pay off my back child/family support.
Is any of this going to stop me?
In the 1980’s, I was able to achieve a modest level of success with a young family and a net worth that exceeded $350,000. In the early 1990’s I lost it all. And then some. I ended up owing more than $140,000 then. The stress was so bad that I clogged the shower drain almost every morning with the hair falling out of my head. One night I went blind in my left eye. All due to stress. Thoughts of drugs, alcohol, and suicide filled my head. Yet, somehow, I made it through. I survived. And then in the mid 1990’s, I had an amazing religious experience and conversion. In the late 1990’s and early 2000’s I rebuilt my life and learned much of great value.
In these pages are the things that helped me to overcome my circumstances and depression back then. And I believe that they will help me again as I put them back to work. I write them down now to refocus my mind and energy on these things that I know from my own past experiences work. To help bring myself back out of anger and depression and back to that success which I know is mine. If I will but apply myself in the proper channels.
I write this out of great need. Out of great need comes great desire. Out of great desire comes great action. Out of great action comes great results. And out of great results comes great satisfaction. Peace of mind. A sense of accomplishment.
I need help. Not a handout. Not a free ride. But a helping hand. A hand up. I am asking you to find it in your heart to buy this book and share it with others. By doing so, I pray that your life and the lives of others, your friends and family who you share this with,  will be blessed and improved as we apply these principles together.

I never finished the book, but I did change my thinking. And that has made all the difference. Over the next several months I will be following a path that I believe will lead to success and the ability to pay off all of my debts. I hope that you will join me on the journey!

Thank you.


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