Friday, September 18, 2009

The Jihad

I originally wrote this on the evening of October 7, 2001 after the announcement by President Bush that we would attack the terrorist camps in Afghanistan. The numbers referenced of those who died at that horrific event were what we believed at that time. We now know that the number of those who died was much less (just under 3000). Nevertheless, it was a great toll to the American people and shall be remembered just as we remember the Arizona, the Alamo, and the shot heard around the world at Concord, Massachusetts.

Cleve Horrocks, Northern Utah, September 11, 2009

copyright by Cleve Horrocks 2009 all rights reserved

permission granted to freely copy and forward this essay as long as it is distributed in full with no deletions or changes and the copyright line is attached to all copies.

I haven’t known what to say. I haven’t been able to write anything at all about my feelings or the horror I felt or the joy and peace I’ve come to feel as I saw our nation, as one, get to its knees and pray. Today as you may know, the General Conference broadcast was interrupted with President Bush’s announcement of the attack on Al Qaeda and those who harbor them. I went to bed early and slept for a couple of hours. And then I woke up and couldn’t go back to sleep. I felt the need to write…

Sunday, October 7, 2001

The Jihad

Today the Sleeping Giant awoke, and struck back at those who disturbed its slumber. A Jihad was called. And a terrible destruction rained down from the skies upon the facilities of war in a far-off land.

For over 20 years a small group of evil and conspiring men have worked to destroy the influence and way of life of America. The land which they call “The Great Satan.” Every President we have elected since Jimmy Carter has been burned in effigy by them. They have cheered our defeats, lamented our victories, decried our very way of life, as they have told lies and half lies about us. And we have for the most part, simply ignored them.

We do that well. Ignoring that is. We fight over petty differences, over the most insignificant of slights. But unless it is rubbed in our faces, we ignore the most heinous of crimes if they fall outside of American soil. We let Gaddafi live. We let Hussein live. We took away their immediate power to wage war, and then just turned our backs and walked away.

And so, Al Qaeda and other similar criminal organizations have been tolerated. Allowed to flourish, to grow, to conspire. To give breath and life to their evil plans. While America quietly ignored them as someone else’s problem. After all, what had they done to us? Really? They claimed Jihad, Holy War, against us, but we simply ignored them.

That all changed on September 11, 2001. A lovely, peaceful Tuesday morning. Suddenly shattered with the most unbelievable criminal acts of modern history. Over 5600 innocent people were suddenly murdered in plain sight, with obvious intent. On American soil, with the eyes of the world watching. And the Giant stirred in its slumber. In shock, it woke up and slowly got to its feet.

Suddenly flags were raised where none had been before. Prayer was called for by American politicians and was once more publicly allowed in our schools. A nation of infidels suddenly turned to God in a unity that has never before been seen upon this land since perhaps the days of the American Revolution. Sign upon sign upon sign dotted the landscape crying; “God Bless America”, “United We Stand”, “God Bless!”.

A nation mourned, not in silence, and not alone. But joined by the vast majority of the free world, we cried, we prayed, we lit candles and waved flags. And the song rang out in every city, in every school, in churches, and in corporate offices; “God Bless America”.

Those who in times past decried public prayer or displays of patriotism quickly and quietly faded into the background. While the people of America cried out for justice, tempered with mercy. That innocent people might not be hurt, but that those who perpetuated such acts of cowardice would be swiftly sought out and removed.

And today, the meting out of that justice began. In a barrage of bombs and cruise missiles, justice rained down upon the facilities of war of Al Qaeda and those who harbor and support them. This is not a simple war. It is not a quick and final act. But rather it is the opening lines of a great Jihad called upon those who would use evil means against innocent peoples.

We call Jihad upon terrorists and those who protect and support them.

From this day forward, the American people will fight and sacrifice and even die if necessary to bring down the forces of evil. We will pray for the guidance of our God. We will pray for His divine influence upon the leaders of our Nation. We will pray for His Divine protection for our loved ones who fight these battles, here and abroad. We will pray for His Mercy and His Justice. And we will stand tall in Truth and Right.

He has promised that if we act in righteousness, that He will be upon our right, and upon our left. That He will go before us, and behind us to bear us up. That He will fight our battles for us. If, if, we will repent of our evils and turn to Him, the God of this land and nation.

We will not succumb to terror. We will continue to work, to live, to love, to learn, to grow, to marry, to have children, to die. We will stand tall at home, at school, at work, and at church. We will stand tall in our clubs, and in our streets. We will live! And we will fight evil wherever it is to be found. At home or abroad. In the desert or the mountains. In the jungles or the plains. In the cities or the wilderness. In public and in private.

The enemy is right. This is a Holy War. It is not as they claim a war between believer and infidel; a crusade by Christians against Muslims. Rather it is a war of good versus evil. A war of civility and right against terrorists and murderers. And it will be won. By free men and free women. Men and women who stand tall and refuse to be beaten. Ever.

United we pray; “May God continue to bless America.”

God bless America

Land that we love

Stand beside Her

And guide Her

Through the night

With the light

From above.

From the wreckage

Of the Trade Center

To the hole

Within our hearts

God bless America

Our home sweet home.

copyright by Cleve Horrocks 2009 all rights reserved

permission granted to freely copy and forward this essayl as long as it is distributed in full with no deletions or changes and the copyright line is attached to all copies.

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