Thursday, November 11, 2010

Veteran's Day

Please remember those who have given their all for us.

I knew a Veteran one fine day
He asked me if I knew the way
To Freedom, Love, and Liberty
A longer life of Happiness.

No, dear Sir, please tell me more.
The answer my friend isn't found in a store
But rather to live a life of kindness
To learn to repent and practice Forgiveness.

Don't be angry and hold a grudge
Be at Peace, please follow this nudge
And Only if needed go to War
Try to avoid it, like the Man of God.

But IF you are called to give your all
Then do your best, don't take a fall
God be with you till we meet again
In Heaven above at God's right hand.

Cleve Horrocks 2010

Friday, October 8, 2010



Your Belief Makes Your Life

You gotta believe, your beliefs and feelings, what you focus your thoughts on and around, affects your life in ways you may not realize. You don't think so? Well, maybe this will make you believe...

Over 100 years ago in his book "As A Man Thinketh", James Allen relayed the case that our very thoughts affect the conditions of our lives, our health, our wealth. Literally what we think controls almost everything that happens to us.

Yet for over 400 years most people have not believed this to be true. Mistakenly. Because it actually IS true. What you believe, what you feel, what your intentions are, what your faith is centered in, actually affects your health, your wealth, your relationships, what's happening around you.

What is considered to be the greatest self help book of all times, "Think and Grow Rich" by Napoleon Hill, clearly states that the most important thing you can do to change your life is to change your thoughts. Based on over twenty years of research and the study of many of the most successful people of his day, he determined that the one thing that makes the difference in peoples lives is what they think. What they believe.

Interestingly, modern science supports this. According to modern physicists like Dr. William Tiller, Professor Emeritus and former Department Head of the Department of Material Sciences at Stanford University, the physical matter of the Universe is actually controlled by our consciousness. According to these scientists, underneath the Atomic level, underneath the Sub-Atomic level, is the Vacuum level, and underneath the Vacuum level is the Planch or consciousness level. And that your thoughts interact with the Planch level in such a way that it actually changes the magnetic fields amongst other things at the vacuum level.

At this underlying level, they believe that there is an "alternative" form of reality that when acted upon by our conscious thoughts and intentions alters our perceived and true reality. Experiments in quantum mechanics conducted as long ago as the 1930's showed that the results of certain atomic and sub-atomic level experiments varied depending upon the very act of being observed.

In the early 1980's during the cold fusion experiments at the University of Utah, Dr. Marvin Hawkins, who at the time was one of the graduate students involved in the experiments, observed that the experiment results varied based on who it was that was conducting the experiment. He has told me that he believes cold fusion will become a reality at some time in the future. It works. But only if the person who is doing the work truly believes that it does. Otherwise it doesn't.

Within the last decade, Dr. Tiller and Dr. Walter Dibble have been conducting experiments that prove that "psycho-energetics" or "subtle" energy as they are now calling it can not only affect things like raising or lowering the ph of a container of water by thoughts alone with no chemical interaction, but that such intentions can actually be recorded into a machine (they call it an intention host device) and have the same results. These experiments have been conducted at long range and by a wide variety of participants with the same results.

This has the potential of literally changing everything. To know that what you turn your thoughts and intentions to can quite actually change your life is amazing. Think about it. You can completely alter your reality by focusing your intentions, your thoughts on your desired results.

So, what do you really want?

Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Network or Not Work

Job Hunting in 2010/2011

Are you out of work, or under-employed? Many of us are these days. Many of us haven't had a formally normal sized paycheck for more than a year. Some of us for more than two years. And even those of us who are still working normally in our career field have found our paychecks and/or benefits cut by 10 or even as much as 20%! Some companies have cut back benefits drastically and at the same time increased employer paid contributions by quite a bit.

And on top of that, a large number of employers have also cut back on the hours they pay employees to work. This all adds up to most people having less take home money than they did three years ago combined with higher bills and less benefits. And that's before we talk about the failure of Congress to extend or make permanent the Bush Tax Cuts.

To make matters even worse, most employers have started using an online application process exclusively. That means that your resume or employment application is filtered automatically by the software they use. In most cases a live person never sees your resume. The software checks to see if you fit the criteria for that particular job by searching for the keywords they are looking for. And then it only prints out the top 2-5 resumes or applications based upon the relevancy of the keywords used.

In other words, getting your resume past the software filters to be seen by a real live person has become as difficult and as much of an art as having a web page that ranks in the top five on a Google search. IF you don't have a degree, and the other people applying for that job do, you don't have a chance of even being seen.

So what's a person to do?


Network? Yes. You have to find a way past the software filters and HR people who just don't care about helping you out. You have to get to the real decision maker somehow. And since even now roughly 85% of all jobs are not being advertised. As a result, networking is still the best way to find work. If you aren't networking, you might not be working.

You have to show that you are interested. That you have passion. That you are confident. That you are committed. These are the things that potential employers are looking for. Are you willing to work at anything available? Are you able to do a variety of tasks? Are you showing that you are constantly learning new things and improving your abilities?

You can do all of these things by networking constantly with people you know in your profession, church, and community. Add to that social networking sites like Facebook and Linked In. This can give you an ever expanding network of friends and associates that can go worldwide within just a few months if you work it.

Update your "wall" a few times a day with things you are doing or working on. Add your old employers and others to your network constantly as you find them again. Call and talk with each of them to tell them about your job searching activities and to ask them if they might have any referrals or prospects for you. Upgrade your education. Send out thank you cards to those you talk with. Show them you are grateful for their help. Even if you get depressed, which is a normal reaction to sudden job losses, keep showing a grateful attitude.

Try hard to send out at least three resumes per day. Consider alternatives like starting an online business or becoming involved in a network marketing company. There is a reason that both Donald Trump and Robert Kiyosaki recommend network marketing opportunities. Be willing to take a part time job like driving a school bus or working at a gas station to help out while you are looking.

And don't forget to help others as well. Doing service work for others and spending time with your family are important activities as well.

As you do all these things on a consistent basis, you will have better opportunities than others who fail to do them.

Remember, Network or Not Work. It's your choice.

Cleve Horrocks has been an employee, an employer, self-employed, and an employment counselor for his church. He is currently helping others learn how to market themselves and improve their business building activities. Go to his website for more information about obtaining leads for your home-based or network marketing company.

Tuesday, October 5, 2010

SEO Basics

SEO Basics

One of the most difficult things for me to grasp when I started out online was this concept of SEO or Search Engine Optimization. Surprisingly, SEO basics aren't really that difficult, and can be learned by almost anyone. There are just a few simple concepts, that if applied, will get you 80-90% of the way. The complicated stuff is the last 10-20% which will take time to learn and some serious study. But to get you started, these simple rules will work.

1. Decide what subject you want to write about. Anything that people want to learn about and will search online for answers to is a good place to start. Start with a subject you already know about.
2. Do some basic keyword research. Google's free keyword research tool is a good place to start. I use a program called Market Samurai which is free for just the basic keyword research, but the paid version includes much more.
3. After you've figured out the keywords you want to use and write about, pick a domain name that includes your main keyword phrase. It's surprising how much that one simple thing will help with your rankings.
4. Include that main keyword in your domain name, domain title, domain description, and domain keyword tags when you set up your domain.
5. Write an article about your subject that will be the main introduction on your domain home page. 450-700 words seems to be ideal.
6. In the first two sentences of your article include the same keywords as in your title and description.
7. Then use those same keywords again as you write your article once or twice in every 100 words or so.

Believe it or not, that really is it. SEO basics 101. These very simple concepts will put you ahead of most people who write content for the internet and get you ranked much higher. There are more things you will need to learn, but this is an easy place to start and they will help you get higher and higher rankings as you use and practice these principles.

Cleve Horrocks has been an entrepreneur most of his life in one form or another and loves to help others discover their passion and potential in life. Need leads for your home-based or network marketing business? Check out

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

The Power of Priesthood Blessings and Modern Miracles

Have you ever received the power of a blessing from someone who holds the Priesthood? Have you ever experienced a modern miracle in your life? Many people have, and yet as a culture we tend to think that such things only happened thousands of years ago. I myself was agnostic/atheistic for much of my adult life. I discounted any stories of blessings and miracles as the imaginings of those who told the tales. And then, over a period of about three years, God taught me that He is not dead. That miracles exist today as much as they ever did. That the power of the priesthood, the authority from God to do His work here on earth among the children of men, is alive and real.

Let me share a quick example of something that happened within the last week;

Last week my wife and her daughter had a very difficult time. Lisa was VERY stressed out and asked for a blessing. Prior to giving her the blessing I knelt down and offered a prayer in which I thanked God for all I had, asked His forgiveness for my sins, and asked Him to allow me to give Lisa the blessing she needed. Prayers work on faith. So, I asked Lisa to then say a prayer. When she was done, I gave her the blessing she had asked for. I don't remember much of what I said in that blessing, but I know that I blessed her that she would be able to relax and get the sleep that she needed and also that she would be protected from harm.

As we lay in bed together, she told me how she had been feeling very uneasy for a few weeks. That she had the impression that something bad would happen at work and that she would be badly hurt. She said that she had the impression of being in terrible pain, hurting all over, and being placed in an ambulance. She surmised that perhaps she was going to have a heart attack or something like that and was surprised by what I had said in the blessing as she had not told me anything about it. She went to sleep and left for work early the next morning.

Friday mornings her work receives a shipment of supplies. The delivery person brought back the frozen goods and stacked them by the 150 gallon hot water heater where Lisa checked them in and put them away in the freezer and cooler. As she was bending over to pick up a box from the floor, the pipe over her head burst. Actually, the seam where it was welded together split apart for about 8 inches, spraying steam and boiling water out under pressure. It burned the wall and sprayed water and steam all over the area were she was standing. And yet, she was unhurt.

She later said that she had heard the noise of the heater starting up, and then the pipe give way, and had felt like she was surrounded by heat. Yet the water went around her and she only received minor burns on her arms. Her shoes and the bottom edge of her pants got wet as well as her arms getting a little water on them, but that was all.

In looking at the security camera video and examining the damage to the walls, etc., the managers and the repair person who came and fixed the pipe could not believe that she had escaped unharmed. It was truly a modern miracle they said. The repair person also pointed out that in over twenty years of working on these systems, this was only the second time that he had ever seen a pipe burst like this and the only time it had ever burst in that spot. Apparently, they actually design them to fail at a specific point if they do fail to minimize damage.

I no longer believe in coincidences. She had had the feeling for some time that something would happen, but not done anything about it. Then, the night before it happened she literally demanded that I give her a blessing. In the blessing, she was promised protection. And the next morning when the pipe burst with her standing directly by it, she was surrounded by a circle of protection that kept her from being harmed. Interestingly, the security video shows her bending over to pick up the box and then a moment later it shows her brushing the water off her arms as she is surrounded by steam with the water cascading out of the pipe, but it does not show the actual moment of the explosion.

God lives. Today. Miracles have not ceased. They happen all around us. Do we see them? There is real power in priesthood blessings. This power and the modern miracles that attend it are among us today. Pray to know the truth and God will in His own time and His own way reveal it to you as He has to me and several others that I know.

Monday, August 30, 2010

Life Isn't Fair!

“I don't think it's fair!” he complained to me, “I shouldn't lose three things for that. My hunting license...”

“Life isn't fair!” I quickly interrupted, “I don't care what you think, when it comes to firearm safety, there are no second chances.”

My father was a public safety officer. Growing up, we went to the police firing range almost every month. Frequently two or three times a month. Firearm safety was not an option. It was grilled into us from the time we could walk and talk. If you were big enough to hold a gun, you were big enough to be taught how to use a gun. And no gun is a toy. That bears repeating; no gun, not even a cap gun, no gun is a toy. Every single one of them has the potential to do harm if not treated with respect and handled carefully.

Seven kids in the house, and always there were loaded guns. Whether or not Dad was home, there was always a loaded gun for Mom's protection. But because of Dad's continual training on the subject, and heavy use of a belt if we didn't obey, there was never a single incident of a firearm accident. It just wasn't allowed.

Today, we live in a different era. Today's media encourages kids to be disrespectful, to not obey, that parents don't know anything. How wrong they are...

Someone close to me once complained that “Society had abandoned them.” My response was quite simple; “Society hasn't abandoned you. You have abandoned society.” It is time for us to regain the mores, the customs, the respect, of prior generations.

You see, life really isn't fair. You either learn and grow, or you get hurt and possibly even die. When it comes to things like guns and lawn mowers and chainsaws and cars you either treat them properly or else you or someone else gets hurt. Sometimes fatally. There are no second chances.

Gravity doesn't care whether or not you believe in it. It just is. You use it or you find out the hard way. The same thing with electricity. Treat it properly, and it is a great tool. Treat it wrong, treat it with disrespect, and you had better be awful lucky.

We aren't here to have an easy ride. We are here to learn and to grow. We aren't here by accident. We are here by choice. And we need to do all we can to take advantage of our choices, to figure out what works and what doesn't. And to treat certain things with care and respect. Because, if we don't, someone could get hurt. Someone could die.

And that someone could be us.

Monday, August 23, 2010

The Secret to a Longer, Healthier, Happier Life!

How would you like to know the secret to a longer, healthier, happier life? A secret that would enable you to live years longer than other people? A secret that could substantially reduce the amount you would pay on medical care? How much would such a secret be worth to you?

Would you be willing to pay tens of thousands of dollars for such a secret? Or travel to a far-off land? Would you be willing to do literally anything, to be able to have such a secret?

What if I told you, that it was free? That you could have a longer, healthier, happier life? That you didn't need to pay tens of thousands of dollars? That you didn't need to travel all over the world searching for the answer? That you didn't have to do anything extraordinary, or incredibly difficult? That you could have a more fulfilling life, live years longer, pay substantially less, and have more fulfilling personal relationships?

What would that be worth to you?

You see the secret to health and happiness, to a longer and richer, more fulfilling life is simply to learn to practice forgiveness. To learn how to truly forgive and forget. That's right. Nothing difficult. Nothing extreme. Nothing expensive. But simply to change how you think, to change how you react. Unfortunately, for many people, that is the most difficult thing of all. But if you're willing to try, if you are willing to do whatever you can to to learn how to forgive, to change how you think, to change how you react, then you can live longer, pay less money, and be happier.

About 10 years ago, I took a seminar from a professor from Stanford University (Dr. Frederic Luskin). In it he explained that as a graduate student he had developed a study that "demonstrated that normal college students could become significantly less angry and hurt, feel more hopeful, spiritually content and self-efficacious about managing their emotions and also become more forgiving after a six-hour training session. Moreover, the psychosocial gains were stable over a 10-week follow-up period."

Subsequently, other studies had been developed that showed the relationship between forgiveness and health. He and others have studied the medical records of thousands of patients from various university hospitals throughout the world. And that in doing so, they have discovered a direct link between people's attitudes and their life. That's right. A direct link between how they think and react and how long they live and how happy they are. They discovered that those people who have a positive mental outlook, who practice a lifestyle of forgiveness, lived longer. And they spend less money on medical care during the last several years of their lives. On the other hand, those who hold grudges, who are angry and bitter towards others, live shorter lives and spend substantially more on healthcare.

Today Stanford University teaches people foregiveness. In just the last dozen years, the study of forgiveness has resulted in incredible increases in knowledge and understanding about the importance of practicing forgiveness in our lives. Not for the person who hurt us, but for ourselves. For both our health and our happieness.

So, here it is. The secret to a longer, healthier, and happier life. Simply learn to practice forgiveness in your life. Use it to increase your happiness. To live years longer. And to spend thousands less on medical care in the last years of your life.

"If you feel good but want to feel even better, try forgiving someone." Frederic Luskin PhD Stanford University

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

The Power of Focus and Persistence

It has often been said that you should focus on what you do right and not on what you have done wrong. Like most of us, I have a tendency to focus on the things that I've done wrong, rather than on what I have done right. I have often lacked the persistence that one needs to be truly successful. It is a struggle that we all face, to be focused and to be persistent.

Persistence is a unique quality. We all need it and yet as a rule very few have it. Many who are truly successful have it. And yet so many of us don't. Abraham Lincoln had it. He literally failed his way to the White House. Failure followed failure, until he became one of the most successful and renowned Presidents this nation has ever known. He did it through focus, determination, single-mindedness, and persistence. Walt Disney had it. He went bankrupt several times before he opened the Magic Kingdom. Col. Sanders had it. He tried over 1000 times to find someone who would finance his new restaurant idea prior to finally finding the funding that allowed him to open Kentucky Fried Chicken.

The history of the world is replete with similar examples. People who have overcome great obstacles to accomplish great things. But more importantly, just regular people like you and I who are able to live a better life, as a result of learning how to utilize these talents. A world where we are better able to accomplish what we want and feel better about ourselves.

Focus is the ability to set everything else aside, while concentrating on one thing that needs to be accomplished. Persistence is the ability to continue doing what you need to do, in spite of obstacles in the way. By being focused and persistent, we can accomplish much that we would otherwise be unable to accomplish. We could write a book or start a new business or help other people. We could get a better job. We could attend our children's sporting events. We could take our family on vacation. We could pay off all of our debts and obligations. In short, we could have a better life.

In order to be focused, we should practice concentrating on just one thing at a time. Forget multitasking and concentrate. Concentrate on that one thing, that one task. Work on it. Think about it. Study it. Accomplish it. This requires that we schedule a time where we can be uninterrupted with other tasks. Pick a task that you would truly like to see accomplished, something meaningful, something important. Then focus on working on that task until it is completed.

In order to be persistent, simply continue coming back to that task no matter what interruptions you have. Until the task is completed to your satisfaction. Don't give up. Just continue coming back until you have finished it.

Like a bloodhound, following a scent. Like a weed growing through a crack in the sidewalk. Like a toddler learning to walk or talk. Focus, determination, persistence.

By combining these skills, you open up a whole new world. A world where goals are no longer dreams but actual accomplishments. A world where your goals and aspirations are now reality. A world of your choosing.

Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Overcoming Depression and Going From Dead Broke to Paying Off ALL Your Bills in Two Years or Less!

Overcoming Depression and Going From Dead Broke to Paying Off ALL Your Bills in Two Years or Less!

Join me on my personal journey to take back my life.

From Cleve Horrocks – Former Real Estate Sales Agent and Broker/Attraction Marketing Mentor

One year ago I started a unique journey as I made the decision to change my life. I wrote the following as an introduction to a book that I planned on writing to re-focus my thoughts away from the depression that had engulfed me. For the prior 8 months following the collapse of the real estate market I had been caught up in thoughts of failure and despair. Here goes;

As I write this I have less than $200 to my name and owe more than $330,000. I’m making less than $250 per week (half of which goes to my ex-wife), separated from my wife, and living in an apartment over the garage of a friend’s home. In short, I am broke. Dead Broke. Destitute even. I haven’t had a decent paycheck since October of 2008 (more than 8 months now). My business activities have crumbled. I am severely depressed (and have been for quite a while now) with thoughts of suicide. I’ve got a broken rib and some pulled muscles. I haven’t had any health insurance since 1997, about 12 years now, and I seriously need money to pay my bills, new tires on my car, several thousand dollars worth of dental work, and new eyeglasses to see with. Most of all, I need to pay off my back child/family support.
Is any of this going to stop me?
In the 1980’s, I was able to achieve a modest level of success with a young family and a net worth that exceeded $350,000. In the early 1990’s I lost it all. And then some. I ended up owing more than $140,000 then. The stress was so bad that I clogged the shower drain almost every morning with the hair falling out of my head. One night I went blind in my left eye. All due to stress. Thoughts of drugs, alcohol, and suicide filled my head. Yet, somehow, I made it through. I survived. And then in the mid 1990’s, I had an amazing religious experience and conversion. In the late 1990’s and early 2000’s I rebuilt my life and learned much of great value.
In these pages are the things that helped me to overcome my circumstances and depression back then. And I believe that they will help me again as I put them back to work. I write them down now to refocus my mind and energy on these things that I know from my own past experiences work. To help bring myself back out of anger and depression and back to that success which I know is mine. If I will but apply myself in the proper channels.
I write this out of great need. Out of great need comes great desire. Out of great desire comes great action. Out of great action comes great results. And out of great results comes great satisfaction. Peace of mind. A sense of accomplishment.
I need help. Not a handout. Not a free ride. But a helping hand. A hand up. I am asking you to find it in your heart to buy this book and share it with others. By doing so, I pray that your life and the lives of others, your friends and family who you share this with,  will be blessed and improved as we apply these principles together.

I never finished the book, but I did change my thinking. And that has made all the difference. Over the next several months I will be following a path that I believe will lead to success and the ability to pay off all of my debts. I hope that you will join me on the journey!

Thank you.


ps: If you want to learn more about a system to help you attract more leads to your business, please go to:

Monday, March 22, 2010

Socialized Health Care


You want it? You got it! Socialized health care has come to America. We have a small group in power who have decided that they know better than the people of these United States and have ransomed our children's and grand-children's and great-grand-children's future in the name of "change". Back in the 1960's we had such a sweeping change mandated upon us in the form of LBJ's "Great Society" wherein we mandated state sponsored welfare and health care for senior citizens. (Medicare. Medicaid was tacked on later with little warning.) The cost has ballooned all out of proportion to the benefits or what we were told it would be "at the absolute most". By several thousand per cent. And it alone is responsible for a large percentage of our national debt. Sadly, the war against poverty has been resoundingly lost, with more poor in America today than we had 45 years ago.

This mania, this insanity, sadly has taken over in the halls of Congress. The idea that we can steal from those who have to give to those who don't at the point of a gun (which sadly is what taxation is) makes for good sound bites, but lacks reasoned thinking. What happened to our freedoms? What happened to the principles of this great nation, founded on individual rights? The Home of the Brave, The Land of the Free? Sadly, it's gone! In a nanosecond the freedoms of our people have been stripped away. Over 16,000 new IRS agents are to be hired to enforce our buying of health insurance or the paying of a several thousand dollar fine on our taxes. Our individual tax returns are no longer private, but are to be shared with the Health and Human Services Secretary to be used "As determined by the Secretary." Most of the real, day to day operations under this bill haven't even been spelled out for the people to know about. Instead, over and over again, the bill simply states; "As determined by the Secretary."

I don't know about you, but this terrifies me! These are the kind of regulations and laws that gave rise to the Third Reich. I'm no coward, but I fear for the future of our country. This is the greatest nation in the history of the world. The only one ever that has had the power to simply obliterate our enemies, and yet has not used that power. We are the home of more technological innovation than anyone, ever. And that innovation has been used by us to give freedom to the entire world. Religious freedom. Personal freedom. Social freedom. Economic freedom. That is what makes us great. But this new bill, which gives the bureaucrats power over 1/6th of our entire economy in one fell swoop, takes our freedoms from us. Instead of hitting the throttle, to give us more freedom, it hits the brakes on our freedoms, and our economy. Hard.

So, how do we make lemonade out of this? Frankly, I don't know. The people in large, amazingly large, numbers spoke out against this. And yet, they forced it upon us anyway. President Obama crowed, "This is what Change looks like." He had already spent more money, our tax dollars, than any other president in history. And now, we, the people, are on the hook for even more than can currently be imagined. His programs have committed us to spend more than ALL the other presidents, combined. Let's empty the vaults, folks. Let's print more money. Let's give our resources, our knowledge, our technology, to everyone else. And us, you poor American's, you are just robots. You just do what we tell you. Because we know better than you do.

This is wrong. This is wrong!

I don't care what party, if any you believe in. But please, please get involved. Help us elect good people to office and run those who would control us out of any and all positions of power or responsibility. They have got to be replaced with good people, who seek to do what the people ask and require. Our future, the future of our children and grandchildren, depends on it. And I for one don't want to see our country destroyed from within.

Please don't respond with flames. I didn't write this to incite any arguments on this site, and I apologize if I have offended anyone with this post. Sincerely.

Saturday, January 16, 2010

Slate/Tablet Computer Category Killer

Slate/Tablet Computer Category Killer

Cleve Horrocks January 2010

Years ago, prior to the first Palm computers hitting the market, I outlined what I thought would be the direction that new portable computing devices would take. Many of my ideas have been surpassed by our current technologies, but several of them have yet to be implemented into mainstream usage. Today the technology exists to fully explore their use and more.

In my original concept, I thought that the first several generations would need to be the size of something like a Fluke Digital Multi Meter, eventually shrinking to a pocket sized device over several generations. In fact, the market skipped the larger form factor entirely, jumping straight to the smaller sized units entirely, but with more limited functionality. Today, I realize the need for a larger size device as well as the smaller ones. Apple’s iPhone is an excellent device for the smaller, pocket sized devices. But there is a very real need for an all in one notebook sized device as well.

Several companies have already announced various new Slate or Tablet type devices this month, and the market is anxiously awaiting the introduction of the new offering from Apple. Those that have been introduced still seem to miss the point that we need less to carry, not more. Most laptop/notebook computers get left behind most of the time, while we take with us our cell phones and mp3 players. Adding a netbook or ebook reader, just gets too cumbersome. I don’t have any idea what form Apple’s offering will take, but here are my ideas about what such a device should be.

First off, I believe that rather than increasing the number of devices we carry around with us, any such new device needs to replace the need for any other device at all. Therefore, it should be a fully functional Cell Phone, Video Phone, MP3 Player, eBook Reader, Digital Voice Recorder, Camera, Camcorder, and Computer all rolled into one device. Just as for years we carried our Day Planners around with us, which literally contained our lives, so should this device function today. Completely incorporating all of the functions of the various devices we carry around now.

It should be a ruggedized device, waterproof and fully capable of being dropped multiple times onto a concrete floor. EMP hardening would be a plus for military/government sales. The size should be that of a standard business portfolio notepad, with an 8 ½” x 11” touchscreen fully incorporating handwriting character recognition and voice control such as Dragon Naturally Speaking as well. It should weigh less than 3 pounds, and ideally be less than 2 lbs. Ideally it will be about ½” thick when closed. Certainly less than 1” at a maximum. It should have a hard shell cover that fully swings around to the back of the unit so that it can be laid flat on a table or knee while in use. Perhaps it would incorporate an eReader screen on the outside of the shell, with a full color 1080p capable touchscreen inside. It should incorporate full video conferencing capability, microphone, speakers, webcam, BlueTooth, 801.11 b/g/n capability, 3G voice and data capable, wireless mouse and keyboard capability, etc.

With a target market of students and business professionals, it should be a fully capable all in one computer. Battery life of at least 7-9 hours. Preferably 2 weeks on standby. 3 GB or more of high speed flash memory, so that even when turned off or the batteries die it will retain everything you are working on. A minimum of a dual core, 2.8 Ghz microprocessor so that it can be used for video and high end gaming as well. 320 GB hard drive and full read/write CD/DVD/BlueRay Disc optical as well. Connectors should include USB 3.0/2.0, Firewire, HDMI, and SD/MS/CF card reader. They should be behind a waterproof cover. A solar charging panel could be incorporated into the back as well.

In short, it should function as a complete, all in one device that replaces the need to carry around a number of different devices. It should be elegant and sleek both physically, and in it’s operations. A cell phone, mp3 player, digital voice recorder, and eReader when closed up, and a fully capable color tablet computer when opened, capable of entertainment, gaming, video, and business use that can be voice, touchscreen, and keyboard controlled.

Such a device is very doable with today’s technology. I wouldn’t be surprised if it could be done in the $400 price range in fact. It might start out in the $1500 range, but sales would really take off as the price drops. Add a Scanner to it for another $100.